The Charles L. Sommers Alumni Association, Inc.'s Nomination Committee appointed by the Board of Directors has nominated the following individuals to be included on the ballot for election to the Board of Directors for a three-year term (2019 to 2021):
Elizabeth Vollmer-Buhl, lives in Eugene, OR. Worked as an interpreter 1997 to 1999 (summer and winter). Liz headed the Development committee administering Crossing Portages and other fundraising efforts.
Dan "Vern" Miller, lives in Elkins, AR. Worked from 2001 to 2010 as an OA Forman and Interpreter (summer and winter). Vern has headed the Service committee administering the scholarship, photo contest and staff recognition programs.
Kyle Ford, lives in Coeur D Alene, ID. Worked from 2003 to 2005 as an Interpreter and was assistant Chief interpreter in 2006.
Roger Dellinger, lives in Arvada, CO . Worked as an Interpreter in 1980 and 1981. Roger is currently the Charles L Sommers Alumni Association treasurer and leads the Finance Committee.
Membership may nominate Active Members to include on the ballot for the election to the Board of Directors. Send the nominee name along with a biographical resume and 10 supporting signatures from Active Members by September 15th, 2018 to (the deadline has past).
Additional Nominations. After publication to the active membership of the Nominating Committee’s recommendations, the membership may have thirty days to submit additional nominations for inclusion on the ballot provided that these nominations are: (1) made in writing, (2) accompanied by a biographical resume, and (3) are supported by signatures of at least 10 active members of the Association. The thirty days to submit additional nominations must conclude by September 15. Additional nominations must be received by the President. Any additional nominee meeting the requirements of this section will be included on the ballot with those nominated by the Nominating Committee.
(Please note the deadline for nominations has past.)