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Charles L. Sommers Alumni Association, Inc.

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2019 Director Nominations

August 15, 2019 11:14 PM | Karl Huemiller

The deadline for this has past.

The Charles L. Sommers Alumni Association, Inc.'s Nomination Committee appointed by the Board of Directors has nominated the following individuals to be included on the ballot for election to the Board of Directors for a three-year term (2019 to 2021):

Don Richard Has as been an active member of the Board of Directors serving on the High Adventure Committee. Was a Charlie Guide in '83, '84, '84, and '87.He now lives in Eden Prairie, Minnesota.

Eric Petersen Has been an active member of the Board of Director serving as Vice President and chair of the High Adventure committee. Eric was a Charlie Guide in 1985 and has returned to lead many trips as an alumni volunteer. Eric now lives in Circle Pines, Minnesota

Joe Mingrone Was a Charlie Guide in 2010 and 2012. He became a life member following his last year as staff and has returned as an alumni volunteer. Joe has also lead the effort to have a booth at the Midwest Mountaineering Expo. Joe now lives in Minneapolis, Minnnesota. 

Courtney Grosz Was a Charlie Guide in 1999 and 2000. He became a life member in 2008 and has been an advocate for Northern Tier programming. Courtney now lives in Amarillo Texas.

Membership may nominate Active Members to include on the ballot for the election to the Board of Directors. Send the nominee name along with a biographical resume and 10 supporting signatures from Active Members by September 15th, 2019 to the President using the Contact Us form on the website (the deadline has past).

Additional Nominations. After publication to the active membership of the Nominating Committee’s recommendations, the membership may have thirty days to submit additional nominations for inclusion on the ballot provided that these nominations are: (1) made in writing, (2) accompanied by a biographical resume, and (3) are supported by signatures of at least 10 active members of the Association. The thirty days to submit additional nominations must conclude by September 15. Additional nominations must be received by the President. Any additional nominee meeting the requirements of this section will be included on the ballot with those nominated by the Nominating Committee.

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