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Charles L. Sommers Alumni Association, Inc.

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  • 2025 Northern Tier Alumni Reunion

2025 Northern Tier Alumni Reunion

  • August 21, 2025
  • 3:00 PM
  • August 24, 2025
  • 9:00 AM
  • Ely, Minnesota - Northern Tier
  • 179


Join us for a reunion at Northern Tier High Adventure’s Charles L. Sommers Wilderness Canoe Base near Ely, Minnesota from Thursday, August 21st to Sunday, August 25th. 

When registering, remember to register using the email address associated with your membership.

Learn more about the reunion here! 

Questions? Contact us!

(We ask that you do not contact Northern Tier, as they are not organizing the event.)

Registration and Event Policies

  • Participation: The primary participant must be a member of the SAA when registering and attending the event (learn how to become a member). If you are not a member now, you must join before registering. For planning purposes, all participants regardless of age must be registered for the reunion in advance. 
  • Guests: Registration of guests is for immediate family members, including your significant other. The full names of guests must be provided when registering. Those who are not part of your immediate family must register for the event on their own. Registrations that do not adhere to this guest policy will not be accepted.
  • Payment: Payment is required at the time of registration. Only major credit and debit cards are accepted. If payment is not completed within 15 minutes of registration, your registration will be automatically canceled. Online registration and payment are the only methods accepted.
  • Refunds/Transfers: Registrations canceled on or before July 21st, 2025, receive an 85% refund. Contact the Charles L. Sommers Alumni Association, Inc. to cancelCancellation requests received on or after July 22nd, 2025, are not refundable. Registration is specific to an individual and cannot be transferred to another person.
  • Deadline and Walk-ins: Registration closes after July 21st. There will be no walk-in registration for the reunion, dinners, or activities.
  • Dietary restrictions and special assistance requests (accommodation of disability): Dietary restrictions and special accommodation requests (accommodation of disability) must be received at the time of registration to help ensure we can accommodate it.
  • Pets: Pets are not allowed at any time at Northern Tier and other reunion venues. Only service animals are allowed (dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities). Non-compliance with this policy will result in being asked to leave the event.
  • Visitors: We kindly remind all our alumni and members that during the event, The Base (Northern Tier) and all the scheduled activities will be exclusively open to those who have registered for the reunion. The generous support and participation of those signed up for the reunion make it possible for us to offer these incredible facilities and activities.
  • Alcohol and Drugs: Tobacco use, including electronic cigarettes and vaporizers, is restricted to designated areas. The use of illicit drugs, including marijuana, is prohibited. Alcohol consumption is only permitted if provided and served by the Charles L. Sommers Alumni Association, Inc. Failure to adhere to these policies will result in being asked to leave the event.
  • Cabins: When registering you may choose to lodge at Northern Tier in cabins (used for staff and participants). Cabins for individuals are shared and assigned by gender. Families/partners are assigned their own cabin. The cabins have twin beds, and you must bring your own bedding or sleeping bag. Availability of cabins is on a first-come basis when registering.
  • Tents and Recreational Vehicles (RVs)Limited parking for recreational vehicles (RVs) will be at the upper participant parking lot and there are no hookups. Registrants must select this choice when registering. Availability is on a first-come basis when registering. Tent camping is at designated locations. 
  • Canoes: Northern Tier’s canoes are only available during planned reunion programming. When launching a boat from Northern Tier or using Northern Tier equipment, you must follow BSA policies, including wearing a Type III Personal Flotation Device (PFD), having a “buddy boat,” and advising of your expected route and return time. Inflatable PFDs are not allowed, the PFD must be made of inherently buoyant material.
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